Quynh Trang Tran Thi

Back to the Future

One hundred years ago, an artist and professor Helena Johnová founded the studio of Ceramics and Porcelain at Academy of Arts, Architectures and Design in Prague. Over the years, the studio transformed under the leadership of the many figures in the field, but an important role also have the political and social circumstances. In 2019 was a collective exhibition of current students of the studio, which celebrated and reminded the personalities who had influenced on the formation of teaching and presented as well as other projects, which depict events in the entire study. On this occasion, the bachelor thesis attend to the representation of the possible future of the studio of Ceramics and Porcelain. The objective of this work was to create a virtual enviroment that presented a vision of what the future will be for the next hundred years. The project ideas are applied by virtual reality. The project seeks to capture the personal opinion of the technological innovation and the current state of the studio in a simulated environment. The vision included a critical view of the current situation and warnings for the future. The work offered a space for discussion about the further direction.

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